1st Time for Everything

Local Art Club @ R House Wynwood 8/10/19

I’m a strong believer that everything always happens for a reason and that things you are passionate about are not random. One day, while bored at work; I started clicking on Facebook events which led me to the Local Art Club page. I put my information without knowing what to expect. I reached out to the page with inquiries to being part of their next event; without fully knowing what to expect or what to do.

I wasn’t initially selected to participate so I figured it’s in part because I don’t run social media pages just dedicated to my art and my work was not seen. Nonetheless, I waited a few weeks and there it was. An email inviting me to participate in their August 2019 event. Without question, I moved forward with it and prepared as best as I could.

Naturally, I was nervous yet excited. My friends and family passed by and showed me their love and support and I got to meet and network with other local creative individuals. This experience left me feeling inspired and motivated to keep doing what I’ve always loved and to let go of fears and negative self talk, keeping me from organically going with the flow of the universe. Cheers! To the first of many more good things to come!!!

Enlightened One

18 X 24 Acrylic on Canvas

5 Lessons to Learn from Buddha

1: The Power of Love & Compassion

“Hatred does not cease through hatred at any time. Hatred ceases through love. This is an unalterable law.” – Buddha

“Radiate boundless of love towards the entire world; above, below and across. Unhindered without I’ll will; without enmity.” -Buddha

2. Living in the Present

“The past is already gone, the future is not yet here. There’s only one moment for you to live. “ – Buddha

“The secret for health for both mind and body is not mourn the past, not to worry about the future, not to anticipate the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.” – Buddha

3. Introspection is the Key to Awakening

“True wisdom is always found within.” -Buddha

“There’s nothing outside of yourself that can answer your questions.” -Buddha

4. Belief is Always Outweighed through Self Assertion

“Do not believe, even in my own words, unless you’ve lived them yourself.” -Buddha

“Ignore finds its way in through external indoctrination.”- Buddha

5. Happiness is not a goal, but the Journey

“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship .” -Buddha

“Happiness is not what you seek, but the path you walk” -Buddha


24 x 36 Acrylic on Canvas

Lakshmi is known as the Goddess of wealth, health, prosperity, both material and spiritual, light, wisdom, fortune, fertility, generosity and courage. She is also the embodiment of Shakti; feminine energy.

She brings good luck and protects from all kinds of misery and money related problems. She purifies, empowers, and uplifts.


Kali is one of the most mysterious Goddesses in Hinduism . She is often described as “The Devouring Mother” , because she exhibits traces of death and revenge but also love and delicacy. She is the Goddess of time, creation, destruction and power. She is also known to destroy evil forces and is the most powerful form of Shakti aka divine energy. Because of her ability to destroy and rebuild; it is no mistake she is also referred to as The Goddess of Rebirth.
Because she is the force of renewal, she reminds us of death constantly; wether it’s the death of a relationship, a job, or maybe even a phase in life. You can also call on Kali when you need an “extra force” to face what is to come. Remember that just like in her power; we are in constantly transforming.

Ganesha: Remover of Obstacles

24 x 30 Acrylic on Canvas

Ganesh or Ganesha is known as the remover of obstacles and is associated with the root chakra for his grounding and centering energy. His elephant head represents wisdom and intelligence; assisting you to see problems before they appear. He is also known as the king of angels and offers protection and guidance to those who call on him.

Mantra: ॐ गंगणपतये नमो नम:
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha

Effects of chanting to Ganesh:
• Better relationships with family members
• More work opportunities
• More energy
• Better mental health
• Obstacles remove better

La Virgencita de Guadalupe

18 x 24 Acrylic on Canvas

Although I’m not Mexican; I was raised Catholic and although my views of religion are very liberal and open, I was always drawn to the Virgin of Guadalupe.

She’s a powerful symbol of Mexican identity and faith and her image is associated with everything from motherhood to feminism and social justice.

She is depicted with a luminous light surrounding her, with a blue, starred mantle.